ECOMAXci® FR // Exterior & Exposed Interior Use
ECOMAXci® FR Ply // Cladding Attachment Use
Steel Stud Wall Construction
100,000 SQ FT
Paris Landing State Park Inn
The Architect on this project, Goodwyn, Mills, and Caywood Inc. used Rmax ECOMAXci® FR and ECOMAXci® FR Ply products over the entire project to allow seamless installation of a variety of exterior facades. With the help of our in-house architect and field team, we were able to help Goodwyn, Mills, and Caywood Inc. incorporate our system with their design needs to complete this project smoothly.
ECOMAXci® Wall Solution // R-SEAL 6000 Flashing
Steel Stud Wall Construction
120,000 SQ FT
Fieldhouse Dinkytown Luxury Apartments
The architect on this project is Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. - Minneapolis used our ECOMAXci® Wall Solution over the entire building envelope and will include 3 different claddings (masonry, metal façade, cement board) throughout the exterior of the building. Eisen Panel Group is providing all the wall panels for this 12-story building with DensGlass sheathing with 2.5” ECOMAXci® Wall Solution covering. Working with IronMark Building Co. on the site has been outstanding.
“We are accustomed to Thermax, but Rmax’s product is definitely a better-looking product” - Joe Zintl, Installer
Thermasheath®-SI Residential Solution
Wood Stud Wall Construction
Average Project Size is 5 Units
Grenadier Townhomes at Windsong Ranch
Grenadier Homes builds townhomes, duplexes, and smaller multifamily products between two and three stories. Grenadier Homes primarily builds within the DFW metroplex, and their main products are 3 to 7-unit attached townhomes.
The Townhomes at Windsong Ranch, a large master-planned subdivision, are located in Prosper, TX, a community just north of Dallas.
ECOMAXci® Wall Solution // R-SEAL 3000 Tape & 6000 Flashing
50,000 SQ FT
Orient Heights public Housing // Phase 3
Orient Heights public housing development sits on 15 acres with 331-unit. It's undergoing an approved multi-phased overhaul, where all existing buildings will be demolished.
Those buildings will be replaced with new townhouses and mid-rise buildings ranging from two to five stories. New buildings will contain over 300 public housing units. Residences will include a range of units from one up to five bedrooms.
Rmax 2” Thermasheath was used to insulate the below-grade exterior concrete foundation wall as the basement will be fully heated/air-conditioned. Thermasheath® continuous polyiso rigid foam insulation effectively reduces foundation energy loss and protects against moisture problems. It also offers a high R-value (R-13.1 at 2”) and exceptional compressive strength.
The copper pass apartments, a certified passive house:
One of the five principles of achieving Passive House design is creating an air-tight construction. With this goal in mind, the developer, Costello Companies used 3” Rmax ThermaBase-CI™ continuous insulation to achieve the strict Passive House minimum R-Value of 38 instead of the Sioux Falls code minimum of R-21 for walls.
Liberty Warehouse will be Durham’s next iconic building and an anchor of the Central Park neighborhood. It was built in the 1940’s and is the last of the large tobacco auction warehouses. This unique re-development will include 246 luxury rental apartments and 24,693 square-feet of retail space - across from the very popular Durham’s Farmer’s Market.
Elmhurst 255 - Elmhurst, Illinois: ECOMAXci® Wall Solution
Elmhurst 255 is a 192-unit luxury apartment community in the heart of downtown Elmhurst. The 240,000 square-foot building was constructed on the site of a former parking lot and dated office buildings. It stands three-stories high on the Addison Avenue side and six-stories on the York Road side.
Block 75 - Portland, oregon: ECOMAXci® FR
Block 75 is one of many projects planned or under construction at the Burnside Bridgehead, a four-plus block redevelopment at the east end of the Burnside Bridge. The mixed-use building will feature residential units above 32,000 square feet of office space and approximately 10,000 square feet of restaurants and retail space.